Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

Renault Fluence Z.E. wins the challenge Bibendum 2011

Renault Fluence Z.E. wins the challenge Bibendum 2011

BERLIN : May 19, 2011 - A Renault Fluence Z.E has taken first place on the podium in the 300 km inter-city Challenge Bibendum 2011 rally. In doing so it took the title not only from high-performance electric roadsters but also from hydrogen and fuel-cell vehicles.

The Fluence Z.E.'s entire well-to-wheels CO2 output calculated by Michelin's team of experts, was 57 g/km, or 8% better than the vehicle's homologation figures. This victory demonstrates that Renault's 100% electric technology, whose price makes it accessible to the largest number of people, is also the most efficient.

Gre'gory Fargier and Sylvie Savornin

In addition to this first place, Renault Fluence Z.E. also won 5 other trophies:
  1. Renault Fluence Z.E. rose to 1st place in the manoeuvrability test on theADAC circuit. In the hands of Gregory Fargier, a test driver in Renault Sport Technologies, it achieved a record time of 2.02 minutes, or 5 seconds faster than the fastest of the Teslas.
  2. Renault Fluence Z.E. received the award for the bestenergy efficiency. It succeeded in covering the 300 km of the Challenge Bibendum with a consumption of only 37.44 kWh. This performance was achieved thanks to the vehicle's energy efficiency and the eco-driving "Renault Driving Eco2 ofits driver, Gregory Fargier, and his co-driver Sylvie Savornin, a major account manager at Renault. In total, this represents a total autonomy of 215 km (including performance tests).
  3. The Fluence Z.E.'s entire well-to-wheel CO2 output was also recognised with an award. As calculated by the Michelin team of experts, the figure of 57 g/km was lower than that of hybrid and fuel-cell vehicles. It demonstrates that Renault's electric technology is the cleanest and best-performing alternative energy solution.
  4. Naturally, Renault Fluence Z.E. also received an award for its local emissions, because there are no polluting emissions in use.
  5. Finally, Renault was presented with a design award for vehicle having the best integrated rechargingsolution.
Gre'gory Fargier and Sylvie Savornin, Fluence Z.E.'s driver and co-driver, said: "We are very happy to have won the challenge ahead of more exclusive competitors. This challenge gave us the chance to exploit all the vehicle's potential. It's reliable, pleasant and efficient to drive".

The Fluence Z.E. needed one battery change halfway through the rally to complete 300 km, taking 6 minutes on the clock. This performance was carried out under rally conditions thanks to a simple modification of the battery fixing system to enable it to be released with hand tools, the production fixing system being designed for automated power tools.

Visitors to Renault's stand were offered initiation in the "Renault Driving Eco2 eco-driving technique in a Fluence Z.E. and Kangoo Z.E., organised by Key Driving Competence, a Renault eco-driving training subsidiary. Thanks to their eco-driving training, the 50 participants on the day gained an average of 25 km compared to "normal" driving.

Nissan, a partner in the Alliance, was also honoured in the Challenge Bibendum. A Nissan LEAF won the 30 km urban rally ahead of a Citroen C-ze'ro and a Peugeot Ion, demonstrating the excellence of the lithium-ion battery technology developed by the Alliance.

Images : Renault Fluence Z.E. wins the challenge Bibendum 2011

[Source : RENAULT]

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